Implementation of DIFF in pure-php
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Diff implemented in pure php, written from scratch.
Copyright (C) 2003 Daniel Unterberger <>
Copyright (C) 2005 Nils Knappmeier next version
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
I searched a function to compare arrays and the array_diff()
was not specific enough. It ignores the order of the array-values.
So I reimplemented the diff-function which is found on unix-systems
but this you can use directly in your code and adopt for your needs.
Simply adopt the formatline-function. with the third-parameter of arr_diff()
you can hide matching lines. Hope someone has use for this.
## PHPDiff returns the differences between $old and $new, formatted
## in the standard diff(1) output format.
function PHPDiff($old,$new)
# split the source text into arrays of lines
$t1 = explode("\n",$old);
if ($x>'') $t1[]="$x\n\\ No newline at end of file";
$t2 = explode("\n",$new);
if ($x>'') $t2[]="$x\n\\ No newline at end of file";
# build a reverse-index array using the line as key and line number as value
# don't store blank lines, so they won't be targets of the shortest distance
# search
foreach($t1 as $i=>$x) if ($x>'') $r1[$x][]=$i;
foreach($t2 as $i=>$x) if ($x>'') $r2[$x][]=$i;
$a1=0; $a2=0; # start at beginning of each list
# walk this loop until we reach the end of one of the lists
while ($a1<count($t1) && $a2<count($t2)) {
# if we have a common element, save it and go to the next
if ($t1[$a1]==$t2[$a2]) { $actions[]=4; $a1++; $a2++; continue; }
# otherwise, find the shortest move (Manhattan-distance) from the
# current location
$best1=count($t1); $best2=count($t2);
$s1=$a1; $s2=$a2;
while(($s1+$s2-$a1-$a2) < ($best1+$best2-$a1-$a2)) {
foreach((array)@$r1[$t2[$s2]] as $n)
if ($n>=$s1) { $d=$n; break; }
if ($d>=$s1 && ($d+$s2-$a1-$a2)<($best1+$best2-$a1-$a2))
{ $best1=$d; $best2=$s2; }
foreach((array)@$r2[$t1[$s1]] as $n)
if ($n>=$s2) { $d=$n; break; }
if ($d>=$s2 && ($s1+$d-$a1-$a2)<($best1+$best2-$a1-$a2))
{ $best1=$s1; $best2=$d; }
$s1++; $s2++;
while ($a1<$best1) { $actions[]=1; $a1++; } # deleted elements
while ($a2<$best2) { $actions[]=2; $a2++; } # added elements
# we've reached the end of one list, now walk to the end of the other
while($a1<count($t1)) { $actions[]=1; $a1++; } # deleted elements
while($a2<count($t2)) { $actions[]=2; $a2++; } # added elements
# and this marks our ending point
# now, let's follow the path we just took and report the added/deleted
# elements into $out.
$op = 0;
$x0=$x1=0; $y0=$y1=0;
$out = array();
foreach($actions as $act) {
if ($act==1) { $op|=$act; $x1++; continue; }
if ($act==2) { $op|=$act; $y1++; continue; }
if ($op>0) {
$xstr = ($x1==($x0+1)) ? $x1 : ($x0+1).",$x1";
$ystr = ($y1==($y0+1)) ? $y1 : ($y0+1).",$y1";
if ($op==1) $out[] = "{$xstr}d{$y1}";
elseif ($op==3) $out[] = "{$xstr}c{$ystr}";
while ($x0<$x1) { $out[] = '< '.$t1[$x0]; $x0++; } # deleted elems
if ($op==2) $out[] = "{$x1}a{$ystr}";
elseif ($op==3) $out[] = '---';
while ($y0<$y1) { $out[] = '> '.$t2[$y0]; $y0++; } # added elems
$x1++; $x0=$x1;
$y1++; $y0=$y1;
$out[] = '';
return join("\n",$out);
<head><title>diff example</title></head>
<h3>Implementation of DIFF in pure-php</h3>
this outputs the difference in gnu diff(1) syntax.
<br />
#example usage:
$f1_arr=Array( "<html>",
"code a",
"code b",
"code c",
"code d",
"code e",
"code g",
"</html>" );
$f2_arr=Array( "<html>",
"code a",
"code a",
"code c",
"code d",
"code e",
"code g",
"code f",
"</html>" );
#you can use files as input and compare them
# simply with, this gives you simple diff in your webserver.
# $f3= file ("path to file");
$f1 = implode( "\n", $f1_arr );
$f2 = implode( "\n", $f2_arr );
print "<pre>";
print "Input-Data: <xmp>";
print_r( $f1_arr );
print_r( $f2_arr );
print "</xmp>";
print "<hr />new, old <br />";
print PHPDiff( $f1, $f2 );
print "<hr />old, new <br />";
print PHPDiff( $f2, $f1 );
#comparing with array_diff()
print "<hr>Compared: array_diff( \$f1_arr, \$f2_arr );<br> ";
print "<xmp>";
print_r ( array_diff( $f1_arr, $f2_arr ) );
print "</xmp>";
print "<hr>Compared: array_diff( \$f2_arr, \$f1_arr );<br> ";
print "<xmp>";
print_r ( array_diff( $f2_arr, $f1_arr ) );
print "</xmp>";
print "</pre>";
print "<hr>";
print "© 2003-2006 .";
print "<a href='./diff2.src.php'> view source </a>.";
©2003-2006 Daniel Unterberger